Tuesday, January 22, 2013


“The voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Love of life

A bird in a corner. Four walls surrounding my freedom. The gilded cage. Trapped.

I hear a song. A lullaby for things gone.

I rest my head on my pillow and dream. A dream of you – my dream. A memory is shaking loose from my troubled long past. Dividing the sequences.

I left.

I’m gone. Through puzzles I fly. Unknown to you, unknown to all, my secret shall reveal. Too bad I, myself won’t get to see it.

It’s a chronicle. Of a bird. It’s a song that’s never going to get sung.

I stumble. I fall. I stay. Alone. I hear your breath and feel the smell of death. As it was that day. When they took you away. You were trying to escape. Only, your little body couldn’t stand the damage and it gave way to numbness and then, you were cold. You took the beating of the cage, trying to break it. Your little sparkly eyes that gazed ahead – to the light. To freedom.

The outer world. Beyond the cage.

We had a dream, you and I. To sing a song. In a tree somewhere. Gazing at the Sun. Feeling the warm breeze caressing our feathers. And just swingin’ to the jazz on a branch, we would be madly in love with laughing.

That’s all.

That was our little dream. Or maybe not so little after all.

And besides, you know, we wouldn’t have lasted the winter. We weren’t delusional. Just starving for freedom. And, you know, dear friend reading these lines, we just wanted a moment of freedom.

Just a taste.

Just a touch.

Just a smell.

Just a song.

Just a dream.

Just a cloud.

Just a tree.

Just some grass.

And the Sun – in our hearts.

And that, my friend, would have made it all worthwhile. Because, you know, – let me tell you if you don’t – that’s what life is all about. Oh, yes, my friend! That perfect moment, just one – of being, of breathing – LIFE! It doesn’t get much better than that.

This is the story. Of a bird and its little heart. Glorious sunshine all around. Someday, we will make it out. I’m just waiting for my next life to come.

Did you truly live today? Take a moment to think about it. That “smelling the roses” never gets old.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


You feel like you’re alone. And yet you’re not. You think you fell too hard this time to get up. And yet, you do. You think everything is lost. And yet, when you allow yourself to open up again, you realize so many possibilities are opened for you. You just have to take a chance. Again! With your heart, with your emotions, with your life.

Colours… everywhere.

The red nose and cheeks you get from the winter’s cold.

Taking a walk in the snow.

The smell of spring.

The laziness of summer.

An autumn rain.

From heart to heart… they sing.

It’s a song with notes you don’t get to hear until you allow yourself to laugh. Again. For the first time in a long while.

To trust again.

That everything will be alright.

That life doesn’t give you more than you can handle. And it always gives it with love. As after every painful situation you go through, you come back stronger.

I woke up thinking – today is not a good day. In fact, it sucks! But maybe, just maybe… after my self pity party is gone, I’ll see the sun again.

The sun in my heart. The sun in my friends’ hearts.

Life will be beautiful again. And actually, if I were honest, I think it’s always beautiful – because, you know, we’re here!

I just… want to be able to allow myself to be completely opened to the happiness that’s waiting for me… at the end of today. No later than tomorrow.

But please, allow today to be a little grey!