Friday, June 11, 2010

OSHO - Libertatea - curajul de a fi tu insuti

"Bucuria e contagioasa! Rade, si vei vedea ca altii incep sa rada. Asa este si cu tristetea: fii trist, si cine se va uita la fata ta se va intrista. Nu suntem separati, suntem uniti, deci cand inima cuiva incepe sa rada, multe alte inimi sunt atinse - uneori chiar si inimi indepartate. Ai venit din locuri indepartate; cumva, rasul meu te-a atins, cumva, dragostea mea te-a atins. Cumva, intr-un mod misterios, fiinta mea te-a atins si ai venit aici, in ciuda tuturor dificultatilor."

"Lasa dragostea ta sa fie o stare de a fi. Nu sa te indragostesti, dar doar sa iubesti. Este pura natura ta."

"Multimea nu iarta niciodata strainii, multimea nu iarta nicioadata outsiderii; ii distruge. Trebuie sa ii distruga, doar pentru a avea constiinta impacata."

"Poti avea libertatea, dar costul este sa accepti responsabilitatea in totalitate."

"Uita de societate; nu te lupta cu ea. Nu o baga in seama; las-o sa functioneze asa cum e. Daca vrea sa traiasca, va trebui sa isi schimbe forma, structura. Daca vrea sa moara, las-o sa moara."

"Cu siguranta vechiul trebuie distrus, dar vechiul este in tine, nu in afara ta. Nu vorbesc despre structura veche a societatii; vorbesc despre structura veche a mintii tale, care trebuie distrusa pentru ca noul sa se nasca."

"Te nasti ca libertate. Doar ca tu ai fost conditionat sa o uiti."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chocolate and why I write

I didn't much care for blogs before - except for using them to sell the jewelry I make - and I thought they're pretty much a waste of time as I have so many things to do and not enough time to do them. But, for a while now I have feeling more than a little lost, so I decided it would be a good thing to put what I feel and think in writting. Maybe it will help. Maybe I won't be as troubled if I see them written and calmly think them over and get to the conclusion that maybe not everything is as dark as it seems. Something along those lines... I'm not saying I'm old, but I have reached an age - 27- when I think I should know what I want out of life, maybe even found my place in this little deranged society. But I haven't. I'm not saying I'm the only one going through this phase, but you know the difference - it's happening to me! :)) I decided to put them in a blog, instead of just keeping them for myself... this way, I wouldn't shy away from them. It's a little scary though, having my thoughts scattered here... ~_~
Now, moving on with why I chose to have a chocolate layout. I'm not much of a chocolate eater. I eat it when I feel down mostly, a piece of candy or a piece of cake... they don't call it comfort food for noting, right? :D I especially like chocolate mousse. I want to try and make some chocolate cakes because I want to invite some friends over next weekend and I have to have dessert, right? Last week I saw the movie 'Julie &Julia' and it gave such a need to rush to the kitchen and cook! :)) I love to cook and I'm always trying new recipes. I just recently finished redecorating my apartment, so, the visit of friends is necessary to celebrate my new home. And what other dessert better than chocolate, since it's not too hot outside yet. And just looking at chocolate cheers you up... at least, for me...

There are more things I would like to write, but my thoughts have already scattered here... I guess I have to take it one day at a time...

So, chocolate anyone? ^_^